Poverty No More

Our country is called, "The Pearl of the Orient" because of its amazing natural resources. Tourist are visiting the Philippines because of its extraordinary beautiful scenery. But the country is still poor despite being rich in natural resources. Less fortunate, powerless, hunger, malnourished population and of course poverty...name it our country has it. Should we blame the government for this problem or should we blame ourselves?

The poor suffer a lot. Lucky for those rich because they do not think of what will they eat tomorrow while the poor own nothing. In other words, poor persons are really hopeless. If only Filipinos unite to fight poverty, poverty in our country could be lessened. Sharing what we have would be the best thing to do; and of course, fear in God. We are now in the state of crisis. It is now the time that Filipinos should unite to fight this crisis. There's nothing impossible when all of us unite and fight the biggest problem of our country. If only this will happen. And someday our country will never be the poorest; instead the richest country.

What else is better way to improve the country than produce good citizens? This can only happen id students like you and me will try very hard to contribute something good to our country. Let's make our ancestors proud by improving ourselves and ultimately improving our country's bad state- ultimate putting poverty behind us.


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