Rules of Success

Success is the accomplishment of goals in life no matter how simple these goals may seem. It always implies striving to meet or exceed some sets of standards established. The pursuit of success is always a personal choice. No one can make someone else pursue success. Obtaining success always demands a cost, it takes time, ability, and resources.

As we pursue our goals, we must bear in mind that God ordains everything that happens. Lamentations 3:37 states, "Who can speak and have it happen if the Lord has not decreed it?". God wants to show us that despite our effort and hard work, our success still depends on Him. Though we need to set our eyes on the goal, we must be reminded that our lives are in His hands. Our effort should be centered on the truth that God directs every path we take and every step we make. His words should be out road map as we journey toward out goals. As it is written, "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path". The Scriptures reveal certain rules that could enlighten us in our day to day struggles as we pursue success.

Our destiny lies not on our hands alone. No one achieves success on his own, and neither can we do it on our own. As we strive to pursue our goals, let us always be humbled be the truth that it is God who gave us the resources we need. God enables us, by His grace and mercy, to will and to act according to His purposes. It is our responsibility to use these resources wisely that we may attain this success. He has prepared for us beforehand. Let us respond to God's gracious provision by utilizing these resources properly and carefully and giving Him all the glory as we work toward these goals.


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