The Heart of a Prayer

As we start and end the day and in everything we do, we bring our petitions before a Holy God. In prayer, we find the right words to describe these petitions. However, even our prayer fall short of what God demands. For instance, some people pray the Lord's Prayer by their

An unknown author summarizes well the impact of this pattern of prayer.

I cannot say "Our" if I live only for myself in a spiritual, waterlight compartment.
I cannot say "Father" if I do not endeavor each day to act like His child.
I cannot say "who are in heaven" if I am laying up no treasure there.
I cannot say "hallowed be Thy name" if I am not striving for holiness.
I cannot say "Thy kingdom come" if I am not doing all my power to hasten that wonderful day.
I cannot say "Thy will be done" if I am disobedient to his Word.
I cannot say "on earth as it is in heaven" if I will not serve Him here and now.
I cannot say "give us...our daily bread" if I am dishonest or an "under-the-counter shopper.
I cannot say "forgive us our debts" if i harbor a grudge against anyone.
I cannot say " lead us not into temptation" if I deliberate place myself in its path.
I cannot say "deliver us from evil" if I do not put on the whole armor of God.
I cannot say "Thine is the kingdom" if I do not give the the King the loyalty due Him as a faithful subject.
I cannot attribute to Him "the power" if i fear what men may do.
I cannot ascribe to Him "the glory" if I am seeking honor only for myself.
I cannot say "forever" if the horizon of my life is bound completely by the things of time.

The words we utter in prayer don't matter if our hearts are far from God. Coming before a Holy God in prayer requires a total examination of our hearts. As the Psalmist say, "Search me, oh God, and know my heart and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way." Before we bring to God our petitions, let us acknowledge and confess to Him our utter sinfulness and ask for His forgiveness for what God wants is a repentant, humble, and contrite heart that completely depends on the richness of His grace and mercy


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